Jul 10, 2024
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Survue: The Smart Bike Light For Safe & Confident Rides

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3D vehicle detection and course prediction with automatic incident recording enhances riders’ safety & reduces incidents with traffic
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Survue Transforms Your Cycling Experience With Ultimate Safety & Enjoyment

Survue detects vehicles’ exact location, determines where they are going, alerts you if they are near, and automatically records video of vehicles that pass too closely giving you maximum situational awareness and peace of mind during your ride.

The Only Bike Light That Predicts Vehicle Path

Like your ears, radar technology knows a vehicle is approaching somewhere behind you, but can not tell a passing vehicle from a colliding vehicle. While, like your eyes, Survue detects the exact location of vehicles and determines where the vehicle is going. Survue is the only technology that can tell a passing vehicle from a colliding vehicle resulting in meaningful alerts and confidence as you bike.

Automatically Records Close Passing Vehicles

Videos of collisions from behind and close passing vehicles are recorded using the predicted vehicle course rather than accelerometers. This reduces false positives and endless sifting of video data. Survue is the only taillight that automatically records close passing vehicles.

Confident Rides With Meaningful Notifications

Cyclists receive alerts based upon approaching vehicle speed, direction, and vehicle type rather than just the speed. Alerts are communicated through an onboard speaker when Survue is used standalone mode. Users connected to app or bike computer receive visual and audio cues for approaching vehicles so you’re not surprised by close passing vehicles or large trucks.

Cell App Option To Control Your Ride

Connected app allows you to receive visual alerts and audio alerts from your phone and taillight while riding. App is also used to change settings and retrieve recorded video after your ride allowing you to control your data and your ride through customizable settings.

Bright, Modulating Light With Multiple Modes

The bright taillight changes its intensity to alert distracted drivers. Whether flashing, standby, or on mode Survue blinks when an approaching vehicle is detected. The three light modes auto adjust the brightness based upon ambient light conditions to save your battery.


What’s Included

When you back Survue you receive the following:

  • Survue Smart Light
  • Survue App Access
  • Mounting Bracket and Tools 
  • Charging Cable
  • MicroSD Card


The Journey

We have iterated our product continuously over the last three years. From testing circuit function blocks, to taillight mounting tolerances, to detection model accuracy and latency. We have one more iteration planned to add more functionality and increase manufacturability.

Our Story

Survue was conceived out of frustration with lack of adequate safety while our founder, Josh Fox, would pull his infant daughter in a bicycle trailer to their local bike trail. At the same time he was mentoring the local robotics team where they were using computer vision techniques within the robots. Fast forward a few years and Josh started tinkering with the idea. As luck would have it, the required technologies all matured at the same time at that point where a battery powered device could run an optimized computer vision algorithm efficiently enough to fit in a form factor acceptable for the bicycling market.

Our Team

We are a small, scrappy startup based out of Portland, Maine. Our team is mainly formed by highly skilled technical professionals, with years of previous experience developing hardware and software products, who have poured blood, sweat, and tears into this disruptive product (from left to right: Nick Rimsa, Josh Leger, Shivam Thakker, Josh Fox). Our team is rooted by a board of advisors with deep experience and expertise within industry.

We Need Your Help

We have reached the stage of a complete functional prototype with hundreds of hours of testing by our pilot riders. We want to iterate to increase functionality requests from our riders and to make Survue more mass manufacturable, being capable of producing many units with all the same high level of quality. This requires important investment, to create molds, prepare assembly and test bench, and secure components which usually have large MOQ (Minimum Order Quantities). The pre-orders secured here will help us go through this first stage, but that’s not all.

By pledging on our Kickstarter, you are investing in peace of mind and showing us that you share our vision. You will participate in the development of this product by giving your feedback and suggestions to make Survue the safest taillight.

We invite you to join our team in growing the bike community with safer rides!

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