Oct 20, 2021
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MOFT Smart Desk Mat -Snap, Stand & Organize All Your Devices

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An adjustable desk mat featuring modular design enables you to organize your workspace that helps you stay focused and comfortable.
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In the time of everyone being the owner of multiple digital tools, people never stop seeking the solution to more concentration and comfort, neither does MOFT. We hope we can design something that helps you quickly get into an orderly “environment” where you can stay focused, dedicated and, at the same time, comfortable.

MOFT Smart Desk Mat, upgraded from a mat, is the answer we found. Rooted in the MOFT’s original philosophy: unsee, unfelt, unnoticed, it’s powerful, practical, and doesn’t take too much space.

The Smart Desk Mat shoots up a row of devices in seconds, creating a multi-screen ecosystem to view and organize like never before. Under the top layer of the mat, it’s a cinch to adjust the angle to 25° or 45°-60° through sliding. Managing your digital demands from each device becomes comfortable on the same, right surface. 

Anything magnetic can snap on the mat

With the magnetic accessories in place, simply “throw” all your work essentials together on it – the coolest and fastest way to keep them uncluttered and at your fingertips. No scattered devices, cables, pens, or papers. No trace of disorder. Nice and Neat. 

In the mat, two NFC hotspots are embedded. Each can be customized to personal preference with a wide range of apps, including concentration apps like Pomodoro and to-do lists, to keep you on track without your attention being stolen by shopping or social apps, speedily optimizing productivity and task performance.

The mat is designed with a magnetically attachable cushion underneath to act as a lap desk. It takes you away from the spot you used to work long hours at, allowing you to relocate to a couch/bed to refresh your mind and body. Its 0.15in slim profile means a park bench nearby is also a great choice to settle down and work.

The mat has ample surface space for your workstation setup – a laptop, notebook, and cup of coffee – yet with easy-to-carry slimness. Rise up, and carry all the work essentials as they’re organized on the single piece of mat, from the living room to the kitchen, staying active throughout the day with no effort.

Paired with the magnetic accessories, the mat is customizable to fit the preference of your work style. The digital set allows for a tablet/phone propped up at the side of your laptop, making multitasking easier than on a singular device. Drag and drop files, or have a quick glance at reference materials without a hitch.

With another set of magnetic accessories holding your ideas together, it collates notes, scripts, photographs to help channel your creativity by giving visuals to your ideas. Whenever you get stuck in the middle of nurturing a project idea, simply snap on all inspirational materials to feed your mind.

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