Aug 2, 2022
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Myconos – Levitating Firestone

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The visually mesmerizing levitating marble stone is an amazing combination of nature and physics.
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It uses bioethanol burning levitation to delight your soul and relax your mind. All products, made of natural marble, demonstrate a unique appearance and unique pattern.

This small device made of stone represents cutting-edge advances in physics.

A magnetic cushion created between the two stones creates a levitation effect. The slightly displaced magnetic field causes the top stone to rotate.

The effect of creating a burning stone is achieved when bioethanol hits the upper stone with the help of a micro-nozzle. Due to the stone’s rotation, the fuel burns evenly over it.

Contemplating the dance of the flames can take your mind far away from the hustle and bustle of the day. Simply light Myconos for 15 minutes at the end of a hard day and your mind will calm down. You can use Myconos in your yoga or mindfulness training.

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In this mode, Myconos will levitate and spin endlessly. This mode is absolutely safe, as no fuel or flame is involved. In this state, Myconos can be left unattended without worry.

To light an already levitating Myconos, simply touch the control button. The Myconos will start the fuel and provide a spark to automatically ignite it.

The flaming stone cannot fall onto the table surface. No matter how hard you push the stone, it will always land in the middle.
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