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BARTNER: Isolate Key Muscles and Multiply Your Workouts

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Keep your form in check and unlock new ways to workout. Perfect your deadlifts and pushups with custom distance and angle guidelines.
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Tired of trying to fit your body into static, one-size fits all exercise equipment?Introducing Bartner – your exercise partner for personalized form guidance.

How have you been keeping your form in check? It’s easy enough to find instructional videos on YouTube. But when you’re exercising by yourself, it can still prove challenging to keep the right form consistently.

“Feet shoulder-width apart. Toes facing out at a 20° angle.”  These instructions are helpful, but let’s face it, nobody keeps a ruler or protractor around while they’re exercising.

Bartner is here to change all of that.

Bartner uses a verified shoulder length measurement method that’s been scientifically proven to produce effective workout results.

By providing personalized guidelines to easily apply to your workout routine, you can find the best exercises to maximize your routine with pristine accuracy no matter what unique challenges your body may face.

Bartner is the perfect tool for when you need to narrow or widen your stance to target specific muscles.

The bar can be adjusted at 1cm intervals to set guidelines for your knees and shoulders while you workout. Once you’ve positioned the bar, the angle of your stance can be adjusted at 5° intervals to properly isolate your target muscles.

On top of that, once you’ve found the perfect Bartner setup, you can leave your configuration as-is and come back the next day to restart your perfected workout regimen right away!

No more worrying about if you’re doing the exercise right – just leave it all to Bartner!

Bartner is unique from every other exercise machine out there. Most devices are made to perform just one specific exercise.

What makes Bartner different is its focus on form above all else. Different from all of the conventional equipment, Bartner helps you perform all manner of exercises while matching the shape of your unique body.

Start off by measuring your shoulder width. Then, you can adapt your workout regimen with standard, wide, and narrow form variations, allowing you to target different parts of the body and unlock new workouts.

When you need to know how to perform a wide or narrow deadlift, lunge, or pushup, Bartner will let you know exactly where to place your arms and legs.

It’s easy to look online and find information about how to perform a certain exercise. But once we start to workout, there’s no one to let us know if we’re performing the workout correctly, exposing us to a high risk of injury.

Working out without proper guidance can lead to debilitating injuries. And getting a personal trainer can be costly and is not always practical.

We all have unique bodies. As such, to prevent the risk of injury and maximize our workout effectiveness, we have to find the right form for each workout we perform.

Bartner lets you lock in the right stance and angle for your arms and legs, making you much better prepared to workout correctly and prevent injury.

Now, you’re ready to execute perfect squats, pushups, planks, lunges and so much more without having to spend money on a personal trainer!

Bartner: Your Exercise Partner Instructions for Use

1. Measure Your Shoulder Length

There are 3 simple steps to follow before you start reinventing your workout regimen with Bartner. The first step is to adjust the device to match your shoulder length.

The acromion (where the shoulder blade meets the clavicle) is the easiest part of the shoulder identify. We recommend measuring between your right and left acromia to find your shoulder length.

To find your pelvic length, place your hand on your belly button, then move diagonally downwards slightly until you touch the edge of your pelvis, and measure that length.

Once you’ve measured your shoulder and pelvic lengths, you’ll know just how far apart you need to set your arms and legs while you workout. This step is essential, as we all have different measurements, and proper form from accurate measurement is critical to maximizing your workout effectiveness.

2. Choose Your Workout

Bartner is great for all kinds of workouts. But to get the most bang for your buck, we recommend starting with the 3 essential workouts: squats, pushups and deadlifts.

3. Maximize Your Workout

Push-up, deadlift, or squat? Which exercise will you choose to start your workout regimen?

Depending on which muscles you want to isolate, you can classify pushups into 3 different types: Standard, Narrow, and Wide.

The standard push-up is executed at shoulder length, i.e., 44 cm for the average user. The target muscles of this exercise are the pectorals, triceps, front and lateral deltoids, abs, and anterior.

The narrow push-up is executed by placing your arms half of your shoulder length apart (e.g., 44 cm → 22 cm), or by sliding your hands inward equal to roughly the size of your hand.

Push-ups executed with a narrower grip increase activation of the pectorals and triceps. This exercise also sees use in rehabilitative environments to stabilize the shoulder muscles.

The wide push-up is executed by placing your arms 150% of your shoulder length apart (e.g., 44 cm → 66 cm), or by sliding your hands outward equal to roughly the size of your hand.

A wider stance increases the activation of your anterior and bicep muscles during the exercise.

The deadlift is a full body exercise that employs all kinds of muscles to move a heavy object. When executing the deadlift, everyone has their own stance that works best for them. With Bartner, you can better place your legs to get the perfect standard or narrow stance for your deadlifts.

A standard deadlift is performed at a stance that’s slightly wider than shoulder width (e.g., 44 cm → 56 cm). After taking a shoulder length stance, move your feet outwards about half a foot wide in each direction.

To perform a wide deadlift, take your shoulder length and multiply it by two, then add a 6cm margin on both sides for the final leg length.

Squats engage all kinds of muscles in the legs and core and can be divided into Standard, Narrow, and Wide stance squats.

When performing a squat, your toes should be pointed outwards to increase muscle activation and prevent injury to the knees.

To find the best angle, first adjust Bartner’s length to best match your dimensions. Then, set the angle of the bar at a range between 20-45° — the scientifically proven best angle for squats. While staying in the above range, make micro-5° adjustments to the angle to find the most comfortable stance for you.

To get the perfect squat stance, take your pelvic length, then add a 6cm margin on both sides for the final leg length.

For a narrow squat, take your standard stance, then move your feet inward one foot length on both sides for the final stance.

For a wide squat, multiply your pelvic length by 2, then add a 6cm margin on both sides for the final leg length.

How it Works

Bartner unlocks proper form for our workouts. The importance of form for exercise safety and effectiveness has been proven many times over in the body of exercise research.

Still, everyone’s body is different. Differences in the way our bodies look and move can come from genetics, daily life, and other factors. As such, it is of vital importance that we get exercise guidelines by a reliable partner that match our unique body considerations. Bartner is a one-of-a-kind exercise device that helps you better outline your body, giving you access to verified form-perfected techniques to maximize your workout.

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