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Emergency Operations Center Board Game – Wildfire Mayhem

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The Ultimate Disaster Response Strategy Game
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Emergency Operations Center: Wildfire Mayhem

The Ultimate Disaster Response Strategy Game, Lead the Charge in Crisis 

Immerse yourself in the high-stakes world of emergency management with Emergency Operations Center. Step into the shoes of critical roles like the Fire Department, Police, Emergency Management, Public Health & Medical, Transportation, Utilities, and more. Together, you’ll tackle real-life challenges inspired by the 2012 Waldo Canyon Fire disaster.

Emergency Operations Center: Wildfire Mayhem places you in command of managing a wildfire disaster. Stop the wildfire, manage the crisis, save the community!

Manage different parts of the disaster response from evacuating families, rescuing animals, and fighting the wildfire to providing emergency sheltering and disaster support. 

Realistic Game Design

Realistic game design crafted to provide an immersive experience created by a Certified Emergency Manager using real-world Emergency Management Concepts. 


Active Wildfire

The disaster grows every round! Can you stop it before it devours the city? Every round players roll the red dice to determine the direction and how many spaces the fire grows. Be Warned! Chance cards can also rapidly expand the wildfire.

Dynamic Events

The game is fast-paced and dynamic! Chance cards create chaos expanding the disaster and drive the game forward. They can also provide critical support to players.

Realistic Units

Command units spanning multiple emergency organizations Police, Fire, Public Health & Medical, Transportation, Utilities and more!

Based on a Real Disaster

This map shows how the real-life Waldo Canyon Fire rapidly expanded across four days from June 23 – 26, 2012. Emergency Operations Center is more than just a game, it brings the reality of disaster response right to your table. Every element, from the roles you play to the scenarios you face, mirrors the challenges and complexities of real-world emergency management. 

Tame the Crisis

Face multiple emergencies from house fires, rescues, medical emergencies, evacuate families from the wildfire, resolve crimes, restore damaged utilities such as downed power lines, repair bridges and roads. Can you bring control to the chaos?

Customizable with Expansions!

Expansions offer ways to customize the game with additional players, challenges, mini-bosses, additional units, and mini-games. Our Deluxe Fire & Police Expansion Pack adds two players to the game: Fire Marshal and Sheriff’s Office units.

Whats Included in the Standard Edition of the Game?

 * All images not yet final, actual components may vary.

How To Play

This game is based on real-life emergency management and disaster response systems used in the United States. This game was made with great care and detail by a Certified Emergency Manager! The game offers multiple game modes… 

Image from a play session held during an afternoon at the Colorado Cohort of the National Emergency Management Advanced Academy. 

1. Each player represents one or more Emergency Support Functions:

Emergency Management, Public Safety, Fire Fighting, Public Health & Medical, Public Works & Energy, Mass Care, and Transportation. 


Players must orient and analyze the situation, develop a plan of action and decide what to do with their resources, and then implement that plan and act. Each round players take turns using their units to respond and react to the situation. Each unit the player has gets 1 movement and 1 action per turn. Action points are used to attempt to resolve crises on the board with player units by rolling the dice to overcome the crisis strength value. 

3. Chance Cards

At the end of every player turn and upon successfully resolving a crisis token players draw a chance cards. There are 144 chance cards perfectly curated to the game. The chance cards can help or hinder players! They advance the game by providing resources and support to players or causing events to occur revealing the chaos caused by the disaster. 

4. Challenges

Players start the game with limited resources and overwhelming crises causing them to make tough decisions. The wildfire is all consuming and will destroy the community and crisis tokens if not resolved quickly and can also devour player units if you’re not careful! Each loss raises political turmoil which represents the public’s trust and community leadership’s faith in you or your team’s ability to successfully manage the disaster. Too many losses and its game over! You must also prevent the fire from destroying key city locations…

5. How do you win?

The goal is to ultimately stop the wildfire and resolve all crises to win. More disaster impacts and crisis tokens will spawn until the wildfire is totally contained. 

Be sure to checkout the YouTube channel for more details and videos on how to play! 

Gameplay Overview Video

Final game manuals to be released soon! I am holding a series of final playtests to get this updated so the game is as good as it can be when it ships! Please know that the game will come with two manuals: 1. for casual play, and 2. a manual for professional exercise use. Each includes various modes and options based on the different simulations you can run and use the game for. 

Pledge Tiers – Choose Your Game Edition

Game Editions are discounted exclusively for Kickstarter and our preorder backers! 

Community Stretch Goals 

Community stretch goals are rewards and bonuses that everyone unlocks for their copy of the game as they are reached. 


Limited Edition Disaster Gaming Challenge Coin $15.00

Critical Infrastructure Expansion Pack $30.00

Looking for a real challenge? Get the Critical Infrastructure Expansion Pack to add Level 2 Crises and Level 3 Critical Infrastructure & Major Incident Mini-boss Crises to the game!!! These crises require multiple emergency support functions and units to respond to them and have big impacts on the game affecting your resources, disaster support, logistics, unit strength, mobility, and more…

Level 3 Critical Infrastructure & Major Incident Mini-Boss Crisis Tokens

Level 2 Crisis Tokens

Elected Official Card Game Expansion Pack $17.00

This card game allows a player or “Elected Official” to draw cards that add complexity and challenges to the game. The Elected Official player is briefed by the Emergency Management Director at the end of the round and then draws cards from 3 decks (Polices, Plans, and Declarations) to play that can impact the game positively and negatively based on if they are successful beating the odds in a dice roll. 

More to come on this soon with a video overview with details on how this unique expansion works! Based on the meme:

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