Jan 28, 2024
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Feyforged: The Feywild’s Ultimate Treasury (5E)

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Where every reward unveils a piece of the Feywild’s magic that brings your adventure to life.
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Calling all game masters!

Unveil the magic of the Feywild in your adventures with the Feyforged’s 200+ magical rewards. If you want to save time on prep or are looking to captivate your players with rewards they won’t want to get rid of, this book is for you. 

Richly Described Items Unique Fey Blessings Reimagined Curses Cosmetic Changing Spells/Items Feywild Companions
Organised in a Courtly Manner

The book is thoughtfully sorted by the seasonal Fey Courts: summer, autumn/fall, winter, and spring for quick reference.

Thematic Depth: Each court section, encompasses its specific items, blessings, curses, and companions, that helps to maintain consistency. Ensure that each adventure aligns perfectly with your location in the Feywild.

Effortless Reference: To streamline your game sessions, I’ve included a comprehensive appendix. Here, you’ll find everything meticulously categorized both by type and alphabetically (items A-Z, curses A-Z, etc.), enabling quick and easy access during gameplay.

Inspired Storytelling: The separation by courts not only helps organization but also serves as a source of inspiration for the imagination.

Balanced Play: The distribution of rewards across the courts ensures a balanced gameplay experience. Whether you’re bestowing blessings or casting humorous curses, you’ll find an array of options to suit any scenario.

Enhance your game nights with ‘Feyforged’s richly described items. Each magical reward is a tapestry of lore, appearance, and mechanics, ready to elevate your storytelling and save precious prep time.

Bring a twist to every session with Fey blessings. Grant abilities like conversing with nature or forest stealth, adding a layer of unpredictability and excitement to your campaigns. The blessing are laid out in a D20 table for each of the seasonal courts. That means a total of 80 blessings!

Reimagine curses into opportunities for humor and creativity. Rather than managing harmful effects, these 40 light-hearted afflictions, like rhyming speech, bring laughter and unforgettable moments, turning potential challenges into creative opportunities.

Keep players intrigued with 40 spells that magically alter appearances, adding visual excitement and dynamic storytelling to every session.

Enhance your campaign with minimal effort with 8 companions, two for each court. From chatty animals to miniature dryads, these allies bring new dimensions to gameplay, offering both personality and tactical advantages.

If you look close enough at the meadowy wilderness of the Feywild’s Spring Court, you’ll see Petaljaws. They wander through the Fields of Spring but not with any dark intentions, for they stand as symbols of life and protectors of the court. The petal on their back, aside from helping them blend in with their surrounds is breaktakingly beautiful when in full bloom. Those lucky enough to see it, and survive, are left with a true impression of what the Spring Court stands for. Don’t be deceived however, for the beauty is studded by the fierce jaws of the predator within, always ready and willing to safeguard its home and the inhabitants it serves.

Meadow Lurkers: Tucked away in the tall grasses that drape around the Spring Court rolling fields the Petaljaws lie in wait. Their presence is a secret, as they are masterfully concealed among the kaleidoscope of wildflowers, their own vibrant display blending in with the flowers around them. These creatures keep a watchful eye over the meadows ensuring that the natural balance of life remains. 

Seed of Vigilance: The Petaljaw isn’t naturally aggressive however will attack if provoced or feels that its home is threatened, which makes them perfect guardiand of the Spring Court. When the peace of the court is under threat the Petaljaw’s bite is there to protect it reinforcing the web of life that is the essence of the Spring Court.

Champions of Daylight: Petaljaws bask in the dazzling light of the Feywild’s sun. In the sun’s grasp they unfold their petals displaying their magnificent beauty. During festivals they’re swift movements and vibrant petals become a whirlwind of colors dancing in the sunlight.

Large Fey Plant, Chaotic Good
Armor Class: 16 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points: 44 (8d10 + 8)
Speed: 15 ft., burrow 10 ft.

STR    DEX    CON    INT    WIS    CHA
17 (+3)    10 (+0)    14 (+2)    10 (+0)    15 (+2)    12 (+1)

Skills: Perception +4, Nature +4
Damage Resistances: Cold, Piercing from non-magical attacks
Condition Immunities: Charmed, Exhaustion, Poisoned
Senses: Blindsight 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 14
Languages: Understands Sylvan and Common but cannot speak

Life-Drain Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d8 + 3) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, losing 5 (1d10) hit points due to necrotic damage on a failed save. The Petaljaw regains hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt.
Bloom Barrage (Recharge 6): The Petaljaw launches a volley of seedpods in a 20-foot radius within 60 feet. Each creature in that area must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Special Abilities
Guardian of Renewal: When the Petaljaw starts its turn with half of its hit points or fewer, it regains 6 (1d12) hit points, representing its ability to rapidly regenerate in the presence of life energy.
Spring Court’s Favor: The Petaljaw has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Blessing of Blossoming: Once per day, the Petaljaw can bless an ally within 30 feet. The ally gains temporary hit points equal to 10 (3d6).

The Feywild is an undeniably mysterious place and if you think the Mortal Realm is magical it’s nothing in comparison. It’s a place that captures the hearts and imaginations of those who learn of its existence and it got mine when I started reading about it. I’ve had a few requests about Feywild related content and after diving deeper into it I decided it was time to put something out there with my own stamp on the realm. 

There are quite a few books which detail the various courts and places within the Feywild but not many have a large collection of reward tied to it. I love items and everything rewardy and feel they can really change a players character and bring a whole new love to them, that’s why this book is all about them so you can see your players eyes sparkle when you hand them their own special Feywild reward.

The following are all my previous projects available as add-ons. Additionally, The Dragon’s Vault is being made available as Print on Demand as well as PDF. 

*Disclaimer: If you backed The Dragon’s Vault project you will receive a code for a discount on the Print on Demand copy equal to the difference between the PDF and POD amount.

The Dragon’s Vault PDF – $25

The Dragon’s Vault POD – $30

  • A collection of 160 dragon treasure hoards and 32 magical items. Be inspired and have your players drooling with “The Dragons Vault”

 Marketplace Mystique – $25

  • From Quirky to Quaint: Explore 35 Unique Shops & Stores in Your Next Town/City Adventure

 Heart of the Journey – $15

  • Embark on a journey through magical realms, discovering the unique charm of 20 carefully crafted inns.

 Lethal Labyrinths (5E) – $15

  • Master the art of deception and danger with 200 Traps designed to test your players minds and patience in 5e.

 100 Dungeon NPCs – $10

  • Unleash a realm of unforgettable 100 dungeon NPC’s designed to make your life easier and enthral your players.

 100 Dungeon Entrances – $10

  • This book features 100 meticulously crafted dungeon entrance descriptions, setting the stage for unforgettable adventures in various fantastical worlds.

 100 Dungeon Room Descriptions – $10

  • Inside this book, you’ll find 100 descriptions of unique rooms, from creepy crypts deep underground with strange symbols carved into the wall to grand temples with secret passages hidden behind tapestries. 

 The Pocketful of Wonders – $10

  • A collection of 100 different groups of items that could reasonably be found in someone’s pockets or a pouch.

 The Artifacts’ Awakening – $10

  • The Artifacts’ Awakening is a collection of 36 sentient magic items which each have a unique personality, a reward that could help or hinder your players.

 The Side Quest Chronicles – $10

  • This collection of 100 side quests is designed to spark those moments of imagination and creativity inside you. 

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