May 23, 2023
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FILLER – Storage System for Pocket Board Games

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Elevate your gaming experience with a perfectly organized collection, created by gamers and designers
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As board game lovers and collectors, we understand the importance of space optimization. We love playing, but we also love seeing our collection perfectly organized. That’s why we created FILLER, the very first Storage System for pocket-sized games. As product designers, this is our first step towards enhancing our gaming experience through the best and most well-designed gaming accessories we can imagine!

Board games spend most of the time on the shelf; that is why our collections must look great everyday. FILLER homogenizes and organizes the smaller games among the big ones.

The dimensions are based on the most popular game sizes: 

  • Medium Square Box (11.8″ x 11.8″/ 30cm x 30cm): big box games.
  • 2-Deck Card Box (4.70″ x 3.70″/ 11.9cm x 9.4cm): small box games.

Upgrade your pledge with the white-coated, hardened steel stand! This allows easy access to the lower box without having to move the upper one and enables you to stack them without the lids if you require them as trays.

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You can use it in multiple ways, such as a mini shelf, serving as a centerpiece for your game nights!

Of course, it is KALLAX-friendly:

  • (1) Three full sets for max. space optimization, arranged as a big box game. 
  • (2)/(3) Three opened boxes, vertically (2) or horizontally (3) for optimal internal visibility.
  • (4) One full set for FILLER display.

This is the best way to transport your games outdoors while keeping them protected. We will include x2 Travel Bands for free in all the pledges.

Here we share with you a selection of 2-Deck Card Box Games we love. Note that different editions could have different dimensions.

Although the perfect size are the 2-Deck Card Box games, other small size games fit as well. And don’t forget Wallet Games, they fit perfectly!

They are also very useful to store other gaming accessories (card sleeves, ziplock bags, dices, …) among your games.

For larger pocket game collections, we created the reusable and non-glue Sticker Pack to enhance the sorting system!

You can sort your games alphabetically, just like in a library, and stick the letters you have inside. Since they are reusable, you can easily rearrange them.

You can even use the stickers to label a whole game series. Create any words you want! Does this game sound familiar to you?

The Sticker Pack fit perfectly inside the FILLER Storage Sys. We will include one Sticker Pack for free in all the pledges.

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Use the lids as trays for components, cards, minis,… Choose the lid that fits better to your setup, for both small or big box games. 

Well, it goes without saying, but use the inner neoprene as a dice tray!

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We are offering acrylic card stands as Add-Ons with the same dimensions of a pocket game, so you can perfectly store them inside the FILLER Storage Sys. 

FILLER was created by a team of industrial designers and board gamers who meticulously crafted every feature and finish. This represents our first step in a mission to deliver premium gaming accessories that strike the perfect balance between aesthetics and function.

This is a long lasting product made from recycled plastic, which is a great material when it’s not meant for single-use purposes.

Through the pledge manager, you will be able to choose the 2 colors boxes you want for each set. More available colors will be added as Stretch Goals.

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