Aug 8, 2023
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FitMe: Advanced 3D Body Scanner and AI Trainer

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Supercharge your fitness! Measure body fat % from your home and get actionable, personalized feedback.
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We realized that there are a lot of products on the market that allow us to track the input of our fitness routines (calories burned, miles run, macros consumed), but very few products on the market allow us to track the output of our fitness routines intelligently. In addition, current solutions do not provide any actionable feedback to optimize fitness routines and better achieve these fitness goals.

Comprehensive Walkthrough of FitMe’s AI Trainer:


Our dedication to getting fit is due to our current longevity crisis. Since people are now living longer and longer, healthspan is becoming increasingly more important. The goal of increasing healthspan is to maintain the full function of everyday tasks as nearly as possible to the end of life. Starting as early as our 30s, our muscle strength declines 8 to 17%, and muscle mass declines 3 to 8% each decade. This means if we are going to live into our 90s and even 100s due to new advances in health care, it is important for us to build muscle mass and strength as much and as early as possible. This ensures that as we age, we can still do the activities we love. Many studies have shown that exercise is the best way to improve our healthspan and lifespan.

The black line illustrates how healthspan decreases as people age. Current advances in medicine have allowed people to live longer by postponing death during their 70s, allowing them to add extra years to their lifespan. However, the quality of life (healthspan) stays the same for these added years. FitMe’s goal is to get people fit and stay fit. Research has shown that an increase in strength and muscle mass reduces all cause mortality. This means people live longer and are able to do so without the need for medical intervention. The below graph shows how strength and muscle mass increases your healthspan throughout your lifespan.

The stronger we are now, the stronger we will be as we age. This means we will able to do common tasks for longer. These tasks could be as simple as carrying groceries. With FitMe you can easily monitor what is your expected strength as you age so you can be proactive in controlling the length of your healthspan.

Over the past 2 years of development, we tested many different solutions at various price points. Lower-cost solutions compromised accuracy. We found that the only way to build a highly accurate solution to track body metrics was to build a premium product that uses the latest and greatest technology.

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