Jul 6, 2022
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goBelt C1

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1mm phone grip – remastered
Check on Kickstarter

1mm phone grip become even better

● World thinnest smartphone grip

● Fold and unfold with a finger flip

● Kick-Stand function

● Applicable to any phone size

● Allows wireless charging

Just in: goBelt featured by Daniel on YouTube

Check out this short and sweet unboxing video made by Daniel Sin. 😎 

Do you always feel secure while holding your smartphone?

We don’t! That’s why we designed goBelt – an easy to use phone grip with a kickstand funktion. And because we like minimalistic design, we have made it as thin as possible. Our goBelt measures only 1 millimeter and can be used as a phone grip or a kick stand.

Our 1mm smartphone grip

goBelt is still unbeatable in its thickness!

This was long ago, back in 2019. But guess what… Almost three years later goBelt is still unbeatable, being the thinnest product of its kind! And today we are proud to introduce to you the new version of this versatile upgrade for any smartphone. Our goBelt C1 combines the benefits of the existing goBelt design and the bunch of new experience we have got with it during the last years.

goBelt C1: grade up your phone

Black and White – two classic color option
A goBelt occupies less space in your pocket than a credit card
Compared to common bulky phone grips, goBelt feels like a sticker
Minimalistic and flat
Open a grip with a single flick of your finger
Experience a safe way of using your smartphone
Secure grip anywhere
Comfy use in any situation
Turn it into a kick stand easily
Just flip it around to get flat angle
Just flip it around to get flat angle

Designing the next generation of our phone grip, we decided not to start from scratch. Instead, we took a deeper look at some technical details which can be improved. We analyzed all the feedback came back from our customers, including our backers from the initial goBelt KICKSTARTER campaign from 2019. At this point we would like to thank everyone who has contacted us and reported problems and vulnerabilities discovered while using goBelt.

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