May 30, 2022
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Smart Athletic Wear with 10+ Features

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Enables absolute focus & odorless workouts in your demanding everyday life.
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portance is smart athletic wear.

Our sophisticated biotech athletic wear brings more than 10 unique features into your demanding everyday life. Portance makes it easier and hassle-free, for an unparalleled workout focus

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Intention in every detail

Our products are thoughtfully designed by sports enthusiasts. Forget the average, mass-produced fast-fashion sportswear & explore how well portance apparel is thought through to the end.

Rethinking Focus

Every portance product is rethought from the ground up to enable absolute focus. Sophisticated design details will remove all disturbing effects – before, during and after your training. We want you to have an efficient workout that seamlessly integrates into your demanding everyday life.

Sustainable biotechnology 

Portance is equipped with a permanent silver & gold particle layer which eliminates odor causing bacteria. Yes, that’s smell-free workout clothes! And less time spent doing your laundry. The application of the patented Fuze™ biotechnology further adds a multitude of additional innovative product benefits to portance sportswear.

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The perfect outfit

The portance warmUp hoodie combined with the techJoggers make the perfect smart athletic wear outfit for in & out of the gym! While designed with the male athlete in mind, we quickly explored that our designs are timeless, minimal classics that can be worn unisex by female and male athletes alike.

We only use the best materials

We invested a great amount of time and a lot of testing to find the best fabric for active athletes. Our sportswear is inherently made for exercise and can be worn in and out of the gym. Our durable, high-quality fiber is a French Terry, made out of 90% organic cotton (no pesticides!) and 10% recycled polyester.

The French Terry we use is a very fine knitted fabric that has small fine loops on the inside which are not roughened. Portance therefore does not only look good, but will also feel great on your skin without ever giving off fluff. Simply put: Great to touch and great to wear! For durability, we added recycled polyester made out of old PET bottles.

All Portance products are treated with an extra protection layer. The partnership with FUZE Biotech allows us to offer a sustainable, water-based anti-odor treatment. The proprietary technology controls bacterial odors and obliterates stink by permanently adhering gold & silver nanoparticles onto our textiles.

Now, it’s time to play hard, sweat hard and still smell great even after the most intense workout!

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Fuze’s stable, metal nanoparticles kill mechanically and do not leach out or get ‘used up’ like ions do. This enables a permanent, non-leaching & 100% safe protection.

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In comparison to other anti-odor treatments, Fuze is able to use much less actual product. Further, Fuze is non-chemical as it only uses non-ionic silver particles that are harmless to you or the environment, whereas competitive products use ionic (i.e. charged) silver ions. These can penetrate your skin and even cause argyria. They also alter the chemical makup of water (think waste-water of your laundry).

FUZE vs. competitive anti-odor treatments

Fine European craftsmanship  

The Portance partner factory

Further, we are proud to attest full transparency on our textile supply chain as we work exclusively with partners in Europe and the US. We source locally: Our organic fabric and all our textile accessories are sustainable and made in Europe. The biotechnology from FUZE is produced in the US and applied in Germany.

Not conventional, but sustainable

With Portance, we want to create sustainable sportsfashion without compromising our planet. We implement fair & eco aspects right from the get go by using innovative sustainable biotechnology & environment-friendly materials. The complete traceability of our supply chain is a given for us.

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FUZE™ – 100% sustainable biotechnology

FUZE is applied with a unique, patented misting process that uses very little product and water. No water is wasted or dumped downstream after the process. It is an all-natural component, 100% chemical-free solution.

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Portance vs. the rest

Portance is no fast-fashion. See here at a glance how portance differs from the rest of the global sportswear industry.

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