Jun 6, 2022
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SmarTooth: The DIY at-home cavity checker

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The “know before you go” dental checker. High-tech sensors that locate tooth decay in 3 easy steps!
Check on Indiegogo

Studies indicate that bad oral health can lead to problems with eating, speaking, and learning. The quality of teeth has also shown to affect employability and social interactions- acting as a catalyst for assumptions regarding success, popularity, intelligence, and general health.

Globally, consumer trends have been shifting towards health and wellness- yet many are still reluctant to visit the dentist, citing dental phobia and high costs.

Know the status of your oral health without having to wait for a dentist appointment. Detect early signs of cavities long before they are visible to the human eye. With x-ray- like technology, the SmarTooth can identify early complications so you can act fast.

SmarTooth is a dental device to be used at home- it’s small, portable, and designed for anyone and everyone. Take control and smile confidently with the help of scientific experts.

The SmarTooth uses Fluorescence Spectroscopy to accurately check your teeth for cavities hiding from the naked eye.

Fluorescence Spectroscopy is a smart technological application that measures the level of fluorescence in teeth to locate cavities.

 When wavelengths of light (655 nm) emit onto teeth with decay, fluorescent materials are exposed. The intensity of fluorescence then converts into a signal through a photodiode that determines the severity of a cavity in alert levels 1 to 3. 

 Further details can be found in the study linked below.

SmarTooth’s sensitive light sensors can pick up cavities in all the hard-to-see areas of your mouth- from your molars to the nooks and crannies between each tooth.

With no nerves in the top two layers of our teeth (enamel and dentin), pain that we would otherwise feel from germinated cavities are masked! The SmarTooth alerts users of their dental health status, preventing aggregate expenses and pain.

Don’t leave a cavity untreated. Leaving dental treatment to the last minute can be expensive (and painful!). Deal with matters quickly by knowing exactly when your teeth require a little TLC. The SmarTooth notification system minimizes dental costs by alerting users at the first sign of problems.

Testing the accuracy of cavity detection in 3 teeth, the SmarTooth went up against hospital equipment priced at an average of $2,000. Both devices showed uniform results of precision.

Replaceable sensor tips optimize hygiene and also make the SmarTooth an economical choice. Multiple users may use the device from a single handle.

One sensor tip may be used up to 3 days at most- we do not recommend exceeding this frequency for hygiene and accuracy of reading purposes. Please replace the tip immediately if damaged.

One sensor tip should be used per person. Shared use may result in bacterial contamination.

We recommend taking measurements for cavities once every 2 weeks. With this frequency, the SmarTooth can be used up to one year with the supplied 24 units of sensor tips

The SmarTooth comes with a slot-in holder for when you’re on the move. Stay on top of your oral health anytime, anywhere.

With the user-friendly SmarTooth app, keep track of your cavity status and monitor results effectively with just a glance.

The SmarTooth app will be available on both Android and iOS. As we await iOS to review our launch, it will be available for users post-campaign in June 2022. For Android users, we expect to release the app in September 2022.

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