Feeling dizzy? With our AI-powered app, you have the power to un-dizzify yourself anywhere with personalized training regimens
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If you feel like you’re the only person who gets dizzy sometimes, you’re not alone. 23-30% of adults all across the world will experience dizziness or vertigo at least once in their lives, with 65% of those aged 60 and older experiencing vertigo daily and 3.5% of those aged 65 and older experiencing chronic vertigo.

When you’re hit with a dizzy spell, knowing the cause is important. But you can never know when those moments will come, and by the time you get the chance to seek professional care, your dizziness is likely to already have passed.

And for those of us with chronic dizziness, consistent training is essential for a normal daily life. But seeking professional help every time you get dizzy is just unreasonable.

VertiCare provides you with simple and immediate cause identification and personalized exercise whenever you’re feeling dizzy.

There are two causes of dizziness: the first is the peripheral dizziness, which is caused by the vestibular apparatus in the ear. The second is central dizziness, which is caused by the brain. Which of the two organs is the cause of your dizziness can be determined with an eye exam.

When you’re feeling dizzy, understanding the cause as quickly as possible is crucial. 90% of the time the ear is the culprit and your symptoms will pass in time. But in the case of brain-induced dizziness, urgent care is required. If proper care is not administered as quickly as possible, there can be drastic consequences.

Unlike other sensory dysfunctions, small-scale cerebral hemorrhages or infractions don’t have symptoms that can be picked up by an MRI . But with an eye exam, you can instantly identify the condition.

VertiCare AI is trained on over 90,000 eye movement videos for highly accurate analysis. Support our campaign for VertiCare today—only on Kickstarter!

When you feel a sudden dizzy spell, the very first thing to do is figure out what’s causing it. But this is much easier said than done, especially if the hospital is a 30 minute drive away.

VertiCare can find the cause of your dizziness in mere seconds. Just run VertiCare from your desktop or mobile device. After a short survey, you’ll just need to complete a simple head and eye movement test.

Our AI-powered software is trained on over 90,000 eye movement data samples for over 90% accuracy.

If your dizziness is caused by the ear, then it should pass shortly. But if the cause is cerebral, then it is crucial to go to the hospital and receive immediate professional care. If you need to seek out an expert opinion, VertiCare will let you know.

VertiCare comes with two types of tests: Basic, and Advanced. The Basic Test is a simple run through of 3 examinations, while the Advanced Test includes additional testing for better precision. Note that the Advanced Test requires the VertiCare webcam to proceed.

When you’re feeling dizzy, a VertiCare test can help your physician provide you with a more accurate diagnosis.

VertiCare doesn’t just let you know the cause of your dizziness. It also provides a personalized training program based on your test results.

For a more engaging training regimen, we created game contents that make use of our eye and facial movement measurement technology. Our gamified exercises not only help solve your dizziness, they’re also an easy and fun way to improve your sense of balance.

With a total of 11 different rehabilitation programs, you can regain your orientation and have fun at the same time!

- All 11 programs are included in the Advanced Test package
- Basic Test comes with 6 exercises (5 Horizontal Exercises +Distance Change Focus Exercise)

With easy, at-home exercises, not only are you saving money from hospital visits, you’re also getting much more effective and personalized exercises.

VertiCare also quantifies your sensory level for a more personalized process.

VertiCare requires no additional hardware. Just use your desktop or mobile device! VertiCare works on devices of all kinds, including PC, laptops, tablets, smartphones and more.

The Advanced Test camera specifically takes the user’s eye position into account when providing diagnostics. When used on a desktop computer, the camera can conveniently be placed right on top of your monitor.

With just one VertiCare, you can register multiple users across the whole household. Your VertiCare training plans and records are also usable for as long as you need them.

1. Run VertiCare from your PC or Mobile device, then follow the instructions to begin your test.

2. Once analysis is complete, follow the accompanying instructions.
1) For peripheral dizziness, complete the associated exercises.

2) For central dizziness, seek medical care and provide your physician with your analysis results.

3. Complete your rehabilitation program and confirm your result values.